Sunday 14 August 2011

Explanation/Introduction/Excuse for writing a self indulgent blog!

I am no stranger to the writing of a blog but at the same time, I am not a veteran either. My first blog had a very clear purpose. It was a kind of e-diary on the progress of our allotment which began with much enthusiasm and vision but dwindled into to non-existance almost as quickly (both allotment and blog sadly). My hope is that this blog will have a little more longevity, my enthusiasm being maintained by the ever increasing possibilities of subject matter. Yes thats right, this blog as no direction, it just promises to give you a wee insight into my thoughts, experiences and opinions of any mundane or ridiculous subject that catches my interest. I am therefore, fully aware that it may be of absolutely no interest to anyone other than myself, hence my suggestion at it being self indulgent.

This first post then, is an attempt to offer a glimpse of what it might look like, how often it might be and the kind of topics you may expect to see. I secretly (not so secretly now that I have mentioned it) hope that my friends and family will share the link to my blog with their friends and family so I get lots of views, some glossy mag will spot it and I will never have to work again and will become a world famous blogger! Deluded? yes, absolutely.

My writing style, as I guess you have worked out, is concise. Short and snappy, bad spelling, worse grammar and little or no structure. All attributes I have so far failed to improve whilst at university therefore confirming that I am not an academic writer. I shall write for pleasure, there will be no planning, straight from my head to keyboard, little or no proof reading but I hope, some amusing errors and/or anecdotes to keep you entertained.

My material will come from my life experiences as a forty something (well, just forty for now) mother of two (well, two for now, number three is on its way) who is a divorced from my husband and completely besotted with my wife, doing a social work degree, living with many animals (both human and non-human) and in 'possession' (not in the kidnap sense) of a slightly odd and crazy family and network of friends (c'mon, you all know that is true). I suspect I shall shower you with posts in a disorganised way, three one day, nothing for a fortnight, of course leaving you dying for more (again deluded? again, absolutely). With that in mind, I hope you will join me on a journey of (hopefully) witty tales of life as a late blooming mother(to be)/'lesbian'/student/hopeful who is still trying to find her life's talent and wondering if writing might be it!!

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